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Tony has been publishing content for the fitness industry for decades. You can read and download some of these here.
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Kravitz, L & Boutagy, T (2002) Exercises for Low Back Pain: The latest research. Australian Fitness Network. 15(2), 9-13.
Jones, A & Boutagy, T (2002) Time Under Tension: Is there an ideal speed for weight training? Australian Fitness Network.
Westlake, L & Boutagy, T (2002) Neutral Spine: To flatten or not to flatten? Australian Fitness Network.
Boutagy, T (2002) The Fundamentals of Functional Training. Personal Trainer Network.
Verdon, A & Boutagy, T (2002) Starting a Successful Triathlon Squad. Personal Trainer Network.
Boutagy, T (2003) Restoring Balance to Leg Training. Personal Trainer Network.
Boutagy, T (2003) Improving Sleep. Australian Fitness Network.
Boutagy, T (2003) Exercise Analysis: The Deadlift. Australian Fitness Network.
Boutagy, T. (2003) Improving Sleep: Information Handout. Australian Fitness Network
Boutagy, T (2003) Enhancing Low Back Health: Information Handout. Australian Fitness Network.
Boutagy, T (2004) Exercise Analysis: The Chin Up. Australian Fitness Network.
Boutagy, T (2004) Interval Training. Personal Trainer Network.
Boutagy, T & Kravitz, L (2004) Periodization for the Personal Trainer. Australian Fitness Network. 18(2), 27-29.
Boutagy, T. (2004) Interval Training: Information Handout. Australian Fitness Network.
Boutagy, T (2004) Exercise Profile: Parallel bar dips. Australian Fitness Network.
Boutagy, T (2004) Unique Exercises for Damaged Shoulders. In press.
Boutagy, T. (2004) Maximal Strength Training for Personal Trainers. Australian Fitness Network.
Boutagy, T (2004) Exercise Profile: The Romanian Deadlift. Australian Fitness Network.
Boutagy, T (2005) Anatomy & Exercise Profile: The Hamstring Group. Australian Fitness Network.
Boutagy, T (2005) Training Specificity. Australian Fitness Network. In press
Boutagy, T (2005) Anatomy & Exercise Profile: The Bent Over Row. Australian Fitness Network.
Boutagy, T (2005) Anatomy & Exercise Profile: The Olympic Front Squat. Australian Fitness Network.
Boutagy, T (2006) Advanced European Exercises. Australian Fitness Network.
Boutagy, T (2006) Upper Body Structural Balance. Australian Fitness Network.
Boutagy, T (2007) Anatomy & Exercise Profile: The Chin Up. Netfit New Zealand.
Boutagy, T (2007) Anatomy & Exercise Profile: The Seated Row. Netfit New Zealand.
Boutagy, T (2007) Anatomy & Exercise Profile: The Back Extension. Netfit New Zealand.
Boutagy, T (2007) Anatomy & Exercise Profile: Split Squat. Netfit New Zealand.
Boutagy, T (2007) The Squat. Fitness Australia.
Boutagy, T (2007) Enhancing Sleep. Fitness First Magazine.
Boutagy, T (2007) Five Steps to a Better Bench Press & Healthier Shoulders. NetFit New Zealand.
Boutagy, T (2007) Post Training Nutrition. Lift
Boutagy, T (2007) Training the Hamstrings as Knee Flexors. NetFit New Zealand.
Boutagy, T (2007) The Full Squat. NetFit New Zealand.
Boutagy, T (2007) How to Train the Chin Up. Lift
Boutagy, T (2008) Four Steps to Performing the Chin Up. NetFit New Zealand.
Boutagy, T (2008) The Forgotten Practice of Overhead Pressing. Australian Fitness Network.
Boutagy, T (2008) Training the Press and Pulls Unilaterally. Lift.
Boutagy, T (2008) Upper Body Strength Training for Structural Balance. Australian Fitness Network.
Boutagy, T (2008) Training the External Rotators of the Humerus. Australian Fitness Network.
Boutagy, T (2008) Training the Seated Row. NetFit New Zealand.
Boutagy, T (2008) Training the Back Extension. NetFit New Zealand
Boutagy, T (2008) How to Squat. Lift.
Boutagy, T (2011) An Evolutionary Approach to Nutrition.
Boutagy, T (2011) An Evolutionary Approach to Fitness.
Boutagy, T. (2012) Essential Elements for Fat Loss, Australian Fitness Network Magazine
Natoli, Sharon & Boutagy, Tony. FitSmart System 3. Funtastic Publishing. 2004
Natoli, Sharon & Boutagy, Tony. The FitSmart Guide to Weight Loss. Funtastic Publishing. 2004
Recent Peer Reviewed Papers
Heazlewood, I. & Boutagy. A. (2009). Determination of the optimal antecedent preparation for torque, power, acceleration and work production. International Society of Biomechanics. XXIInd Congress Proceedings. University of Cape Town, South Africa 5-9 July 2009. ISBN: 978-0-620-44037-0.
Heazlewood, I. & Boutagy. A. (2009). The factor structure of isokinetic torque, work, power; isokinetic fatigue, plyometric power and sprint acceleration. International Society of Biomechanics. XXIInd Congress Proceedings. University of Cape Town, South Africa. 5-9 July 2009. ISBN: 978-0-620-44037-0.
Heazlewood, I. & Boutagy, A. (2009). Structural equation modeling and AMOS: Factor analysis of torque, work and power. 7th International Symposium of Computer Science in Sport Conference. Australian Institute of Sport, Canberra, Australia. 22-25 September, 2009.
Heazlewood, I. & Boutagy, A. (2009). The influence of different warm-ups on strength, power and acceleration. Evolution of the Athlete: Coach Education Conference 2009. The Sebel, Brisbane, Australia. 2-4 November, 2009. Poster Presentation.
Heazlewood, I. & Boutagy, A. (2010). Structural equation modeling and AMOS: Factor analysis of torque, work and power. 7th International Symposium of Computer Science in Sport Conference Proceedings. Australian Institute of Sport, Canberra, Australia. 22-25 September, 2009.
Heazlewood, I. & Boutagy. A. (2009). Determination of the optimal antecedent preparation for torque, power, acceleration and work production. International Society of Biomechanics. XXIInd Congress Proceedings. University of Cape Town, South Africa 5-9 July 2009. ISBN: 978-0-620-44037-0.
Heazlewood, I. & Boutagy. A. (2009). The factor structure of isokinetic torque, work, power; isokinetic fatigue, plyometric power and sprint acceleration. International Society of Biomechanics. XXIInd Congress Proceedings. University of Cape Town, South Africa. 5-9 July 2009. ISBN: 978-0-620-44037-0.
Heazlewood, I. & Boutagy, A. (2009). Structural equation modelling and AMOS: Factor analysis of torque, work and power. 7th International Symposium of Computer Science in Sport Conference. Australian Institute of Sport, Canberra, Australia. 22-25 September, 2009.
Heazlewood, I. & Boutagy, A. (2009). The influence of different warm-ups on strength, power and acceleration. Evolution of the Athlete: Coach Education Conference 2009. The Sebel, Brisbane, Australia. 2-4 November, 2009. Poster Presentation.
Heazlewood, I. & Boutagy, A. (2010). Structural equation modelling and AMOS: Factor analysis of torque, work and power. 7th International Symposium of Computer Science in Sport Conference Proceedings. Australian Institute of Sport, Canberra, Australia. 22-25 September, 2009.
Heazlewood, I.T. & Boutagy, A. (2011). A Comparison of Structural Equation Derived Path Models for Men and Women Based On the Relationship Between Isokinetic Torque, Vertical Jump Power and 10m Sprint Performance. Conference Book Program & Abstract of Conference Proceedings. International Society of Biomechanics XXIII rd Congress ISB2011. Free University Brussels, Belgium. 3-7 July, 2011. P.155 and Poster.
Heazlewood, I. & Boutagy, A. (2011). A Comparison of Classification Accuracy for Gender Using Neural Networks and Discriminant Function Analysis Based on Biomechanical Measures of Isokinetic Torque, Work, Power, Fatigue Index, Counter Movement Jump and Acceleration. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Computer Science in Sport (IACSS2011). IACSS2011 International Association on Computer Science in Sport. Shanghai, PR. China. September 21-24, 2011. Academic: world academic Press. Pp.106-109.
Boutagy, A. G & Luff, R. (2013). Brief Review: The Role of High-Intensity Interval Training in the Battle Against Type II Diabetes. Journal of Fitness Research 2: 1-7.
Conference Papers Presented
FILEX, Sydney, April 2013
Australian Lifestyle Medicine Association, November 2012
FILEX, Sydney, April 2012
YMCA Western Australia Fitness Industry Convention, February 2012
FILEX, Sydney, April, 2011
FILEX, Sydney, April 2010
Sunshine Coast TAFE Health & Fitness Summit, September 2009;
FILEX, Sydney, April 2009
Sunshine Coast TAFE Health & Fitness Summit, August 2008;
FILEX, Sydney, April 2008
Network 06, November 2007
FILEX, Sydney, April 2007
Network 06, November 2006
Sunshine Coast TAFE Health & Fitness Summit, August 2006;
FILEX, Sydney, April 2006
Network 05, Melbourne, November 2005;
Sunshine Coast TAFE Health & Fitness Summit, November 2005;
NetFitPro, Auckland, New Zealand, September 2005;
FILEX, Sydney, May 2005
Network 04, Gold Coast, November 2004;
NetFitPro, Auckland, New Zealand, September 2004;
Australian Diabetes Association, Annual Meeting, Sydney, June 2004;
FILEX, Sydney, May 2004;
Network 03, Melbourne, November 2003;
NetFitPro, Auckland, New Zealand, September 2003;
FILEX, Sydney, June 2003;
Network 02, Melbourne, November 2002;
Workshop & Paper Presentations
Strength Training for Falls Prevention and Osteoporosis Protection (with Dr Robbie Parker) for the Health Promotion Unit, Central Coast Health. July 2003
Prevention and Rehabilitation for Low Back Disorders, for the Health Promotion Unit, Central Coast Health. November 2003
Strength & Sports Conditioning Course. Net Fit New Zealand. March 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007.
Invited Strength Lab, pre-convention workshop at NetFitPro, Auckland, New Zealand, September 2004 & 2005.
Strength Training for Older Adults for the Health Promotion Unit, Central Coast Health. September 2004
Exercise & Hypertension for the Health Promotion Unit, Central Coast Health. April 2005
Invited Strength Lab, pre-convention workshop (with Mark McKean) at Network 05, Melbourne, November 2005.
Strength Training for Older Adults for the Health Promotion Unit, Central Coast Health. March 2006.
Level One Weightlifting. New Zealand Weightlifting 2006 & 2007
More Ways Than One: One Day Strength Seminar with Tony Boutagy. Auckland, Christchurch and Hamilton, New Zealand 2006 & 2007.
Training for Hypertrophy. Pre-Convention Day workshop for FILEX April, 2010
Hypertrophy, Training and Programming. For Australian Fitness Network: Adelaide, Perth, Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney: August 2010
Treating the Metabolic Syndrome with Nutrition and Exercise. FILEX, April 2010.